Easing Out of Summer

There are subtle shifts in the air as we begin to move from the intense energy and heat of summer to shorter, quieter days. This season, which runs from the third week of August until the Autumn Equinox, is recognized in Chinese Medicine as Late Summer and corresponds with the Earth element. Even though Late Summer is a short season, it can be marked with intense transformation in nature and within yourself.

This shift from Summer to Late Summer is when we begin our transition from the most Yang (hot, bright, active) time of year to a more Yin (reflective, quiet, still, cool) time of year. The days can still be warm and sunny, but there is less humidity, the temps cool, and nature around us starts to slowly change. It is a time for centering and simplicity and adjusting our lives accordingly. It is time to start slowing down.

This Late Summer season resonate with the Stomach and the Spleen. Together they are responsible for our digestive health and our immune systems. When Spleen and Stomach are in balance, we would expect a healthy and regular digestion, strong immune defenses, good energy, relaxed mood, and well-developed or defined muscles. Conversely, when Spleen and Stomach are weak we often see digestive imbalance, low immune system with frequent colds, flu, or allergies, low energy, excessive worry or anxiety and feelings of being stuck.

Live in sync with the Late Summer season and boost the vitality of your Stomach/Spleen with these helpful tips:

  1. Warm It Up: It’s time to move away from the smoothies and cold, raw salads and start cooking your food again. Cold raw food creates dampness in the spleen, which interferes with its role of the transportation and transformation of nutrients and energy, and its ability to produce qi and blood. Warm, nourishing foods are the key this season.

  2. Get Moving: Regular exercise in the Late Summer season will help move the blood and circulation and stave off the excess worry that can be associated with the season. Dance, yoga, brisk walking - anything that feels good to your body.

  3. Get Outside: Seeing as this season is related to the Earth element - get outside and connect with the Earth. Try just walking barefoot in your yard to soak up some of the Earth’s grounding energy.

  4. Eat Yellow + Orange: Yellow and orange correspond to the spleen - so eating foods like squash, sweet potatoes, papaya, pumpkin is incredibly nourishing.

  5. Get Your Acupuncture: Using your regular acupuncture sessions to support your Stomach/Spleen will support your digestive system and your immune system and help set you up for a healthy winter ahead. You’ll also feel more grounded and relaxed by supporting these organs through your acupuncture sessions.