Why You Want Microchanneling, not Microneedling

You may have heard all the rage about microchanneling, but are still confused as to how it’s different than microneedling and why it’s touted to be the better treatment. While both techniques have similar working principles and are, in essence, trying to achieve the same results, there are key differences between microchanneling and microneedling that you need to know before you make the investment.

To put it in simple terms, microchanneling is an evolved and improved upon version of microneedling. Microneedling drags on the skin, creating unnecessary microtears and more trauma to your skin. This can result in bleeding, bruising, redness, tightness, itching and peeling and more downtime from your treatment. Sometimes this dragging technique can lead to irreversible damage.

In contrast, microchanneling does not drag on the skin and uses a more advanced, stamping technique that is less invasive. This stamping technique does not create microtears or unnecessary trauma, which results in less discomfort and inflammation, making your downtime very minimal.

Why Microchanneling is Better:

Better Precision and Consistency: Microchanneling utilizes extremely fine needles that are precisely spaced and controlled by a motorized device. This ensures consistent depth and pattern of needle penetration across the treatment area, leaving you with perfectly consistent results throughout.

More Suitable for Sensitive Skin: Microchanneling is often considered more suitable for individuals with sensitive skin or those prone to adverse reactions. Using the stamping technique and given the more controlled nature of microchanneling, it is a gentler option and more appropriate for all skin types.

Minimal Risk of Side Effects: With proper technique and aftercare, microchanneling carries a relatively low risk of side effects such as bleeding, bruising, redness, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that you may experience with microneedling. You may be a little red from your treatment, but pairing the microchanneling with the use of the LED light will help drastically reduce any redness you have.

Better Long-Term Results: Microchanneling tricks your skin into thinking it’s been wounded, creating a cascade of healing such as an increase of collagen and elastin production. In addition, we use a serum which helps stimulate stem cell-derived growth factors, repairing skin at a cellular level. This alone puts sets microchanneling in a class of it’s own.

Overall, microchanneling is a next-gen take on microneedling and presents several advantages, making it the best choice for anyone seeking incredible skin rejuvenation and lasting results.