Lymphatic Detox Massage

Feeling sluggish, bloated? Or maybe you’ve just recovered from surgery or a vaccine injection. Perhaps you’ve just simply overindulged around the holidays and are looking for a simple way to give your body a detoxification boost. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that Lymphatic Detox Massage is on the rise and for good reason.

A Lymphatic Detox Massage can support your detox pathways and help to filter out viral debris. It is great for autoimmune disease, acne, rosacea, sinusitis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, lymes disease and constipation. It is also a wonderful technique for healthy individuals who are wanting to boost their immune function and feel their best.

What is a Lymphatic Detox Massage?

Lymphatic Detox Massage is a very specific technique that works on the lymphatic system by using systemic massage movements combined with sincere intuition. A rhythmic, gentle motion is used, in the direction of the lymph flow to encourage lymphatic movement. This lymphatic system plays a vital role in our health and is essential to our immunity. Unlike the cardiovascular system, your lymphatic system does not have a built-in pump — which is why the lymphatic system needs manual “draining” in order to keep the system humming optimally. When it slows, immune health is compromised.

A Lymphatic Detox Massage can encourage the circulation of lymphatic fluid through your body via pressure and motion, hence increasing detoxification and immunity. Although far from a ‘deep tissue’ massage, this modality can be incredibly effective and healing. The sweeping and rhythmic movements also encourage the response of the parasympathetic nervous system, where deep healing takes place.

Ways to promote Lymphatic Movement:

A good place to start is your physical health and diet. 

Exercise: Movement is great for your lymph nodes.

Eat A Healthier Diet: Consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. This keeps your lymphatic system clean (along with the rest of your body). 

Drink Water: It helps your lymphatic system and other organs function properly. 

AVOID: Sugary drinks and sweets. These items overwork the system. 

Walking! Just a 10 minute walk in the fresh air will help to get the lymphatic system moving.

Hope to see you soon for your next immune boosting Lymphatic Detox Massage!

Jackie Lunato is devoted to helping her clients achieve optimum health and balance through a holistic approach to massage therapy, bodywork, energy healing and nutrition. A Licensed Massage Therapist since 2007, Jackie also holds certifications across a broad spectrum of fields including Reiki, Ayurvedic Bodywork, Healing Hot Stone Massage, Prenatal Massage, Aromatouch Technique (using DoTerra essential oils), and Lymphatic Drainage Detox massage. Book with Jackie on Mondays, Thursdays + Saturdays.